A brief statement summarizing a larger concept is a concise expression that captures the essence of a more complex idea or topic, distilling its key points and significance into an easily digestible format, allowing for quick understanding without delving into extensive details or elaborations.
Ruby is used for web development, particularly with the Ruby on Rails framework, automation, data processing, backend services, and building APIs.
Some of the best resources for beginners to learn Ruby include: - The official Ruby website (ruby-lang.org) - Codecademy's Ruby course - Learn Ruby the Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw - RubyMonk interactive tutorials - The Odin Project's Ruby curriculum - Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen - Pragmatic Programmer's Ruby book - RailsBridge workshops for Ruby on Rails - YouTube channels like GoRails and RubyCasts These resources offer a mix of tutorials, books, and interactive learning experiences.
Some important Ruby gems for improving business application performance are: 1. Puma 2. Sidekiq 3. Bullet 4. Rack::Cache 5. Redis 6. MiniProfiler 7. Django 8. NewRelic 9. ScoutAPM 10. ActiveRecord In-Memory Cache