January 23, 2024

Revolt's Digital CEO interviews - Michael Janda

Michael Janda is a executive level creative leader with more than 20 years of experience in both in-house creative departments and agencies working with some of the greatest brands in the world.  In addition to his robust experience managing creative and marketing teams,  He is the author of the book, Burn Your Portfolio and has been a keynote speaker at HOW Design Live, AIGA, Advertising Federation and University events across the nation.

And we had a blast talking with him about human to human connection instead of Ai, insights on how to start your business and education for freelancing.


0:00 - Intro

1:15 - About Mike

2:53 - An advice from Mike to those starting their own business

5:17 - The reason why Mike started MCA (More Creative Academy)

10:23 - Ai and the creative field

13:13 - JM thoughts on Ai

15:42 - Mike's vision on the creative field for the next 5 years.

19:30 - How MCA can prepare you to be a better profesional

21:11 - There's better education than schools if you want to start freelancing

25:35 - Mike's recommendations on books

28:04 - Are old strategy books still relevant?

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